Friday, April 20, 2012

Sin number 7

Human nature, in the past few years, has evolved into an embodiment of ‘every man for himself’. Nobody’s happy for anyone’s success anymore; including me. I was browsing through facebook a few days ago and FB suggested I look into the profile of my high school classmate. I saw that she was married and took a look at her photo and there she was, as good looking as she was on the day I last saw her, and my only thought was, “God I hope she ages horribly!”. That’s envy, jealousy, greed and selfishness right there. Good thing I’m not Christian or I’d have committed sin (cave to the deadly sins- Check). It’s not that I thrive in other’s misery, that would be downright sick and twisted, but hey I don’t become an evil doer if I just wish my life was better than everyone else’s and if it’s not then theirs should progress to be bad. Or so stands my justification of things. Whatever helps me sleep at night right?
But I realized there are degrees of envy. For example, to wish someone ages bad i.e. loses their looks over time; not so bad but to wish they die in a gruesome manner and then burn in the depths of hell; very bad indeed.  To act on envy resulting in violent actions is even worse. But let’s face it, I have the attention span of a gnat and can’t focus long enough to bear vengeful hate and cause anguish on anyone. Perhaps, one day when I’m exposed to cosmic radiation and get super-intelligent and build a death ray, I’ll pick the ones I envied, off one by one…
What is the point of all this you ask? To be frank, it’s about something I forgot (told you I had the attention span of a gnat). Anyway, after reading through what I wrote, I realized I was talking about envy and how it makes the world go topsy-turvy. The Iraq war started because America was envious of Iraq for having oil and 9/11 happened because the Jihadis were envious of America for having… well… cheeseburgers… alright I don’t know why those suicide-committing loonies flew planes into buildings but I’m pretty sure it was envy. Many self-made men became rich solely because they were envious of their more privileged counterparts. The reason most people do MBAs these days is because they envy the luxurious-appearing lives of those who’ve already done MBAs and have got a high paying job because of it. So reader, I ask you this, do you envy? Do you think it’s alright to envy? Do you think the world would be a better place without it? Or would it be a boring world without this primal feeling?
In retrospect I see that this is horribly written blog post that has no definitive conclusion or theme but meh. I wrote it nonetheless and HA! You read it… Sucker… :D
The End.